Rabbi's Message: Finding Light in Kislev
During Hanukkah we kindle and see light. We appreciate the miraculous and remember that sometimes the seemingly impossible becomes possible. And we celebrate the joy of being together.
I encourage you to dedicate this time to bringing light into the darkest corners of our lives, to recognizing when the seemingly impossible becomes possible, and to asking for help when we need it. Individually and collectively we can kindle light.
I also look forward to seeing you on Sunday, December 22nd for our Annual Meeting and Hanukkah party as we celebrate the brightness of our community. We will say thank you for the tremendous work of our outgoing board member Amit Weitzer. And we will elect leaders who are dedicated to building our future. If you are not yet a member and wish to vote, please consider joining our congregation.
May Kislev be a month of gratitude and growth for all of us. As always, please be in touch if the synagogue can help. May you have a very Happy Hanukkah.